Creating a Customizable Button

In HTML you can customize the appearance of buttons using the <button> tag. This tag is similar to the <input type=”button”> tag but the only difference is that you can customize the appearance of button by putting content, such as text or images. You can use this tag by setting its value attribute as submit, reset, or standard button. You need to set the type attribute of the tag to submit, reset, or button.

Let’s do the following steps to create a customizable button:

<!DOTYPE html>
    <title>Creating Customizable Button</title>
    <h2>Example of Creating Customizable Button </h2>
        Please enter your name
        <input type=”text” name=”text” value=”” /><br><br><br>
        <button type=”submit” name=”button” /><br>
        Click here to send the date.

Save the document with the name CreatingCustomizableButton.html and open on browser.